




A diabetic diet — medically known as medical nutrition therapy (MNT) for 糖尿病 — simply translates into eating a variety of nutritious foods in moderate amounts and sticking to regular mealtimes.

而不是限制饮食, a 糖尿病 diet or MNT is a healthy-eating plan that’s naturally rich in nutrients and low in fat and calories, 重点是水果, 蔬菜和全谷物. In fact, a 糖尿病 diet is the best eating plan for most everyone.


如果你有糖尿病或前驱糖尿病, your doctor will likely recommend that you see a dietitian to guide you on dietary changes and MNT that can help you control your blood sugar (glucose) level and manage your weight.

A healthy diet is a way of eating that that reduces risk for complications such as heart disease and stroke. Healthy eating includes eating a wide variety of foods including:

  • 蔬菜
  • 全谷物
  • 水果
  • 脱脂乳制品
  • 豆子。
  • 瘦肉
  • 家禽

There is no one perfect food so including a variety of different foods and watching portion sizes is key to a healthy diet. Also, make sure your choices from each food group provide the highest quality nutrients you can find.

当你摄入过多的卡路里和脂肪, your body responds by creating an undesirable rise in blood glucose. 如果血糖没有得到控制, 这会导致严重的问题, such as a dangerously high blood glucose level (hyperglycemia) and chronic complications, 比如神经, 肾脏和心脏损伤.

Making healthy food choices and tracking your eating habits can help you manage your blood glucose level and keep it within a safe range. A good meal plan should fit in with your schedule and eating habits. Some meal planning tools include the plate method, carb counting, and glycemic index. The right meal plan will help you improve your blood glucose, 血压, and cholesterol numbers and also help keep your weight on track. Whether you need to lose weight or stay where you are, your meal plan can help.

People with 糖尿病 have to take extra care to make sure that their food is balanced with insulin and oral medications, and exercise to help manage their blood glucose levels.


Diabetes increases your risk of heart disease and stroke by accelerating the development of clogged and hardened arteries. Foods containing the following can work against your goal of a heart-healthy diet.

饱和脂肪. High-fat dairy products and animal 蛋白质s such as beef, 热狗, 香肠和培根含有饱和脂肪. Get no more than 7 percent of your daily calories from saturated fat.

反式脂肪. These types of fats are found in processed snacks, 焙烤食品, shortening and stick margarines and should be avoided completely.

胆固醇. Sources of cholesterol include high-fat dairy products and high-fat animal 蛋白质s, 蛋黄, 贝类, 肝, 和其他器官肉. Aim for no more than 300 milligrams (mg) of cholesterol a day.

钠. 目标是每天摄入少于2300毫克的钠.


There are a few different approaches to creating a 糖尿病 diet that keeps your blood glucose level within a normal range. With a dietitian’s help, you may find one or a combination of methods that works for you.

计算碳水化合物. 因为碳水化合物会分解成葡萄糖, they have the greatest impact on your blood glucose level. It’s important to make sure your timing and amount of carbohydrates are the same each day, especially if you take 糖尿病 medications or insulin. Otherwise, your blood glucose level may fluctuate more.A dietitian can teach you how to measure food portions and become an educated reader of food labels, paying special attention to serving size and carbohydrate content. 如果你正在服用胰岛素, he or she can teach you how to count the amount of carbohydrates in each meal or snack and adjust your insulin dose accordingly.

交换系统. A dietitian may recommend using the exchange system, which groups foods into categories such as carbohydrates, 肉类和肉类替代品, 和脂肪.One serving in a group is called an “exchange.” An exchange has about the same amount of carbohydrates, 蛋白质, fat and calories — and the same effect on your blood glucose — as a serving of every other food in that same group. So, 例如, you could exchange — or trade — one small apple for 1/3 cup of cooked pasta, 一份碳水化合物.

血糖指数. Some people who have 糖尿病 use the glycemic index to select foods, especially carbohydrates. Foods with a high glycemic index are associated with greater increases in blood sugar than are foods with a low glycemic index. Complex carbohydrates that are high in fiber — such as whole-grain rice, bread or cereals — have a lower glycemic index than do simple carbohydrates — white bread or white rice, 例如 — and usually are preferred to highly processed foods. But low-index foods aren’t necessarily 总是 healthier, as foods that are high in fat tend to have lower glycemic index values than do some healthier options.

来源: mayoclinic.com | 糖尿病.org